solictors oxford

Domestic Violence

Reported cases of domestic violence are now on the increase.
Unfortunately it is now believed that up to 25% of people in relationships
suffer violence at the hands of their partner. Domestic Violence not only
involves physical attacks, but also harassment, nuisance telephone
calls, verbal abuse, threats, pestering or annoyance at your home or at
your place of work or elsewhere. In appropriate cases the Court can
attach a Power of Arrest to any order that is obtained so that, in the
event of a breach, the police can arrest the other party and take them to a
judge for further action. If the case is especially urgent then we can
obtain an injunction for you within hours of your initial instruction
and without notice to the other party (ex-parte injunction). Such injunctions are usually temporary in nature (but is dependant on the severity of the complaint) and do require you to attend court. Once an order has
been obtained it is served on the other party and a further hearing is
arranged and all of the parties would need to attend.




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